Last modified: 15. II 2024
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Winter 2005/2006 in Jurgów

This year's winter does not skimp in Jurgów neither snow nor frost. Snow is still in abundance. Freeze is not so bad now, is only around -5 C degree. After the time when temperatures goes near to the -30 C degree it look likes almost as a spring temperatures. During the night temperatures are a little bit lower still. In winter dress Jurgów look likes very nice and scenic. In the last days the snow was falling again and so far it is not going to stop at all. So it looks like winter is not going to leave us yet.

The Way "Pod Cyrlę" or the Jurgów walking path.
The Way "Pod Cyrlę" or the Jurgów walking path.
The Tatras are dressed in a winter haze.
The Tatras are dressed in a winter haze.
Tatras, view from the Jurgów walking path.
Tatras, view from the Jurgów walking path.
Jurgów "Cyrla".
Jurgów "Cyrla".

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Foto by Lucjan Sołtys
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